Our recognized commitment to environmental sustainability and outdoor education enables our students to develop a sense of reverence and appreciation for the natural world in all its complexity

Outdoor education is an essential component at Sasana International School. It begins in our Early Childhood Centre programme, with nature walks, guided and self-directed play and exploration in the garden.
From the time students enter the Junior school they are actively engaged in curriculum to awaken their senses and connection with the natural environment. This is primarily achieved through our Outdoor Classroom programme. Students learn to cultivate gardens, to harvest and cook food, and to appreciate the importance of the natural world to our health and wellbeing, through a range of practical experiences.
From Middle School and continuing through High School, students are involved in a comprehensive programme of camps. These are carefully integrated with our Health, Science and Main Lesson curriculums to enable students to make meaningful connections between what they have learned in school and the world beyond the classroom.
Our recognized commitment to environmental sustainability and outdoor education enables our students to develop a sense of reverence and appreciation for the natural world in all its complexity